Cost Savings

cost savings graphic wheelchair


Save up to 94% over ER visits at our Acute Injury Center 1


Save up to 30-50% at our Infusion Centers 2

Infusion cost savings at OSMS graphic
syringe graphic showing cost savings at OSMS AIC


Save up to 40% at our orthopedic surgery centers 3

1 Savings based off CNN Money report.
2 Savings based off a collection patient testimonials and billing reviews comparing OSMS infusion clinics with local hospitals for rheumatologic infusions.
3 Utilization of Orthopedic Surgery Center of Green Bay and Orthopedic Surgery Center of the Fox Valley is likely to result in up to a 40% decrease in the net cost to the employer and insurance company, which translates to a lower co-pay and/or deductible to the patient.